Executive summary about motorcycle riding gear by Chaotic Chica
As a result of the protective features that most all reputable clothing lines carry, their sizing is off. The more protection, the larger you need to order. For example, if your everyday jacket is a large, you should opt for a 2XL. Likewise if you are regularly in a small, aim for a large. The motorcycle riding gear industry has not adjusted their sizing labels to accurately describe what size woman will actually fit into that design.
The same approach needs to be taken with pants. Aim for two sizes larger. Many sites offer a sizing chart on their pages to help limit the confusion.
In regards to helmets, it is not reccomended that you buy this item online. Size alone is not the sole factor in ensuring that it fits and protects properly. Most companies are fairly reliable on their sizing charts but vary in their interior padding. The staff at any retail location selling motorcycle helmets will be able to show you how it should fit best. Remember, if the helmet does not fit properly, ie. it is too tight, too loose, too much wiggle room, etc., then it will not be able to protect you the way it was designed to.
Before making any purchase, review this policy, if they have one. If need be, do not hesitate to contact their customer support line. Happy shopping!
Motorcycle Riding Gear Tips
There is basic motorcycle riding gear every rider should wear before they ever jump on a motorcycle:
1. Helmet -This is without a doubt the most important piece of gear for a motorcycle rider.
2. Jacket -A motorcycle jacket will keep your skin from scraping the pavement in case of an accident.
3. Long Pants - Just as a jacket protects your upper body long pants protect your legs.
4. Gloves - Gloves will protect you from rocks bouncing up and hitting your knuckles. You need both hands to ride your motorcycle so protect them.
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